Get Athletic presents....

Get AthletiFIT

Discover this cutting edge 3 days a week fitness regimen that will bring out your inner athlete and skyrocket your fitness to new heights

In this day and age, there are many options one can choose to become fit. The amount of fitness information, products, and programs available that people have access to is astronomical. Fitness enthusiasts throughout the world study it, soak in their area of interest, and set out on their journey to get in shape, acquire a stronger, leaner body, and feel better about themselves.

For as many people who find an area of fitness that they enjoy, commit to, and have long term success doing... there are too many others who have very little to zero success with a fitness program. The "failure" rate is very high. When I look back at my own life and analyze the fitness programs I have tried in the past, I failed miserably many times. It was typical for me to be excited about something new and get started with it; but in a short period of time (usually 2 weeks to 1 month), I would lose all motivation and quit. Even though I was a former jock... a physical education major in college... a long time high school football coach of 21 years... and had been around athletic development and fitness a good part of my life, I came to the conclusion that this all too common occurrence was "just the way fitness is". I never felt alone in thinking this because so many other people every year went through this same process and continue to do so.

This frustration with fitness led me to do a thorough analysis of why this "excitement turned to disappointment" would occur on a regular basis. What would it take to be a part of a fun exercise program that people can be consistent with over a long period of time and can provide great results in all areas of fitness? After digging deep and listening to my inner voice, I came up with a list of 3 things that a fitness program needed to have for this to become a reality...

  • provide quality results in the area of body composition (more muscle, less fat), strength, mobility, and endurance
  • workout time needed to be no longer than 40 minutes per session... and preferably less
  • number of workouts per week had to be no more than 3

This list came to be because it seemed like even when I had great intentions initially; when workout regimens I tried that called for me working out almost every day and the workout time to be an hour or longer, it wouldn't take long for all of my rock solid motivation to turn into a big pile of nothing. I would look for every excuse in the book to get out of workouts or try to ration in my mind that I would make up these missed workouts on off days. All of this simply led to me giving up on yet another program and searching for another... knowing deep down that the new program I would stumble upon would end up going down this same path. Even sadder, I was far from alone. It seemed like every person I talked to about fitness had similar experiences. Fitness failure was, in my mind, a part of Americana.

My strong desire to truly once and for all find a solution to sporadic fitness got me to put my "coaching hat" on and plan a program that would work for the adult population. I used my 21 years of high school football coaching experience where I worked with tons of athletes to develop their bodies for the rigors of football, and came up with a fitness program that resembled the one I used with my athletes, but was more conducive for the general population to use to get extremely fit and stay motivated over a long period of time so they could remain consistent....

Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy

I am Ron Capurso, Owner of Get Athletic Sports Performance & Adult Fitness in San Jose, CA. After coaching high school football for 21 years, I transitioned to becoming an owner of my own business where I can incorporate another one of my passions... working with adults who desire to become highly fit, but have busy lives and don't have much extra time in their schedule to do so. They don't want to be a slave to fitness in order to achieve any meaningful results.

Over the last 5 years, I have had the honor of working with numerous adult fitness clients with this program to achieve their fitness goals and dreams, and it has easily been the most gratifying part of my business model and has positively impacted many of my fitness clients. There has been nothing better than to see their previous lack of fitness success turn into them finally having a plan to fitness that provided great results without having to invest much time into the process. This kept them motivated over the long haul. Here is what a few of them have to say about the Get AthletiFIT program...

Kim Munson

Ron Capurso is an amazing trainer. The depth of his knowledge and experience is evident in the quality programs he puts together and the professional coaching style he leads with. His programs get you results. I have been training with Ron and his Get AthletiFIT program for over 3 years now. Within 2 weeks I was feeling and seeing results. His program has gotten me incredible results, and led to overall strength and athletic gains. Ron’s Get AthletiFIT program gets results and I look forward to the workouts each week, as they are never the same. I can’t recommend this program enough!

Kim Munson
Amy Hawkins

I’ve been working out with Ron at Get Athletic with his Get AthletiFIT program regularly for over three years and love it. Every workout is unique and at just the right level to be challenging, but not overwhelming. This program offers modifications to individualize the workouts. Ron pays close attention to my effort and form to motivate me and keep me from injuring myself. I look forward to many more years of workouts with Ron and his program.

Amy Hawkins
Steve Silva

It’s a little over 3 years now with working out with Coach Ron doing his Get AthletiFIT program and I couldn’t be happier. I’m stronger, faster, and more flexible. I can now run longer without losing my breath and my stamina has improved so much. As long as Coach Ron keeps running his classes I will always come and workout with him. My wife comes to his Get AthletiFIT workouts as well and she loves them too.

Steve Silva
Tony En Huynh

I have been with Ron and his Get AthletiFIT program for almost 3 years now, and my life has definitely changed for the better. I am more mobile…lost weight…you name it. Ron is down to earth and genuinely cares. No matter what shape you are in, these Get AthletiFIT program workouts will work for you. Ron has helped me get closer to my fitness goals one workout session at a time.

Tony En Huynh

The Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy Program consists of 6 components...


  • learn the 3 different routines (Flow/Slow/Go...Activation/Skip...Fitness) that take less than 10 minutes to complete and are designed to keep you healthy and get you more than ready to perform awesome workouts.



  • an easy 6 movement pattern (explosive, squat/lunge, push, pull, hinge, core) template you will use that will develop rock solid total body strength from head to toe



  • use these simple to put together and perform finishers that will make you burn tons of calories and fat to achieve that sleek, sexy, athletic body that you thought was only a pipe dream



  • learn the 2 methods (tempo running and calisthenic intervals) that will build and greatly improve your stamina in a short period of time and allow you to live your life actively without having to always worry about fatigue



  • see the 3 routines ("888", lunge yoga, fence) that you will use at the completion of your workouts to improve flexibility and mobility and prevent soreness so you can stay on schedule workout to workout without having to miss



  • follow the easy 3 day a week, 35 to 40 minute per workout template that will prove to be the perfect amount of weekly fitness for you to reach all of your goals and keep you motivated to stay consistent over the long haul

All of these components are outlined, explained, and shown in great detail in the 13 page e-book manual along with the series of 13 videos where every single exercise that this overall program consists of is demonstrated for you to see. You could literally get started with this program NOW and learn the entire program in a very short time so you can start becoming stronger, leaner, more flexible, and highly conditioned.

Let’s talk price, shall we…my adult fitness clients each pay $150 per month to take part in my 3 day a week group fitness classes and over $300 if they want to do a 3 day a week 1 on 1 personal training program with me. I know one of the most gratifying and powerful feelings that I have as a trainer is when I KNOW that my clients are well versed in my Get AthletiFIT program training regimen and that they are making great fitness gains and are extremely excited and motivated to continue taking part in the workouts on a long term basis. That feeling is priceless!!

With that being said, I want to offer this program to you at a very affordable price during this introductory period so you can have those very same feelings and successes that have made my life as a trainer so enriching and the many clients I have worked with so successful…

Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy



For only $17, you could have access to this entire program, learn it in a short time, and implement it into your weekly fitness regimen immediately. I don't want you to be frustrated any longer like the masses of people who start a fitness program with a great outlook only to get discouraged and quit because it proved to be too tough and impractical for your schedule. Think about it...a 3 day a week program done throughout an entire year is 156 yearly workouts. That is an impressive number! AND, when those workouts are of high quality and are specifically designed to give you complete total body workouts and improve every single aspect of your fitness like in this Get AthletiFIT program, your fitness will skyrocket through the roof and be better than it was at any previous time in your life!

But, that’s not all…when you purchase Get AthletiFIT – Athletic Fitness Made Easy, you will also receive the following 2 bonuses…
BONUS #1: My Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy Nutrition Guide…. This guide will detail a simple, easy to implement nutrition plan that is necessary to follow during your fitness workouts to reach your goals. This guide features the 6 Rules to Healthy Eating, as well as a 4 Week to Healthy Eating Plan. My clients always tell me how they like the simplicity of this plan, and I believe you will as well! Get AthletiFIT 4.13.31 PM
BONUS #2: Unlimited email/phone support…. let’s face it, sometimes we buy a product and we definitely see the value in it, but there are some details that might need a bit more clarity for us to have the understanding necessary to use the product to its full capacity. I have experienced those occasions where I didn’t have a person to turn to after purchase of a product, but I needed further guidance and explanation. I would never want a product or program that I am responsible for producing to not be completely understood by the purchaser. Therefore, you will ALWAYS be able to contact me by email or phone to discuss the program, your understanding of it, and any questions you may have.

This program comes with a 60 Day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee! Simply put, if you implement Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy, and for any reason, you are NOT completely satisfied with the results you get from it, just contact me and I will immediately refund your purchase. It’s that simple. Your complete satisfaction is a must! I completely stand by this program and the effectiveness it has given the many clients I have worked with, but if for some strange reason it doesn’t provide the satisfaction and the results for you, you will get your money back with no hassles and no questions asked.

Again, Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy consists of a 13 page detailed e-book manual and a series of 13 demonstration videos that serve to completely outline this entire program from A to Z. Order this program now and take advantage of the low price of only $17 during the introductory period. You will also get your 2 bonuses… my e-Guide, Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy Nutrition Guide, and also unlimited email/phone support.

Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy



Even though fitness failure is very common with many people, it doesn't have to be the case and shouldn't be the case! The key is to be a part of a fitness program that is logically designed and will enhance your fitness and motivation level throughout the process. The Get AthletiFIT - Athletic Fitness Made Easy program will be the key to you finally once and for all reaching your fitness goals and will prove to be the program you needed all along to make your success a reality!

Ron Capurso

Get Athletic, Owner


PS: Don’t forget to take advantage of the low purchase price ($17) during the introductory phase of this product launch!

PPS: Remember that this program comes with a complete satisfaction 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee…I am giving you 60 days to analyze this program and discover what many of my clients already have…this program is of high quality, is easy to implement into your weekly regimen, and will finally get you the results you have desired to get throughout your entire fitness life!!

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